Mar 15, 2023

Managing Partner Relationships in a Digital Age

Managing Partner Relationships in a Digital Age

Managing Partner Relationships in a Digital Age

The Seven Partnership Success Predictors that will Help You Manage Your Partnerships More Effectively

Trends in most marketplaces are changing. As channel partners have access to a growing choice and are increasingly purchasing solutions as a service. In the IT Sector, Cloud-native SaaS and subscription models are fundamentally altering what clients buy, as well as the role of the partners they buy from. A whole new ecosystem has emerged

ThePartnerScore partner ecosystem platform facilitates a continuous company-wide assessment of partner capabilities and performance. It prompts members of staff to provide answers to a small number of questions each month, based on Seven Partnership Success Predictors.

Download our free guide to learn what the Seven Partnership Success Predictors are, how they were arrived at and why each one is important if you are to maintain a successful partner ecosystem.

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Copyright 2024 PartnerScore

Copyright 2024 PartnerScore